General form

The input is the area at the bottom of the focused panel, in which you can type a filter or a command.

Its parts are

Both parts are optional.

The filtering pattern

A search pattern is made of 1 to 3 parts separated by the / character but you rarely need the two /.

The syntax is globally


The mode is either nothing (fuzzy path), just a slash (regex name) or some letters followed by a slash.

The search mode combines

mode example query example match explanation
fuzzy path abc or p/abc a/bac.txt search for "abc" in a fuzzy way in sub-paths from current tree root
fuzzy name n/abc or nf/abc abac.txt search for "abc" in a fuzzy way in filenames
tokens name nt/ab,cd dcdAbac.txt search for the "ab" and "cd" tokens, in whatever order (case and diacritics insensitive)
exact name e/Bac or en/Bac ABac.txt search for the string "Bac" in filenames
regex name /[yz]{3} or /[yz]{3}/ search for the regular expression [yz]{3} in filenames
regex name /(json|xml)$/i thing.XML find files whose name ends in json or xml, case insensitive
regex name /abc/i aBc.txt search for the regular expression abc with flag i in filenames
exact path ep/te\/d or pe/te\/d/ website/docs search for "te/d" in sub-paths from current tree root
regex path rp/\d{3}.*txt dir/a256/abc.txt search for the \d{3}.*txt regex in sub-paths from current tree root
tokens path t/ab,cd DCD/a256/abc.txt search for the "ab" and "cd" tokens in sub-paths from current tree root
exact content c/mask or c/mask/ umask = "1.0" search for the "mask" string in file contents
regex content rc/[abc]{5}/i bAAAc search with a regular expression in file contents - i making it case insensitive
regex content cr/\bzh\b "zh":{ search a word with a regular expression in file contents

It's also possible to redefine those mode mappings.

Combining filtering patterns

Patterns can be combined with the ! (not), & (and) and | (or) operators, and parentheses if necessary.

You can for example list files whose name contains a z and whose content contains one too with


To display non json files containing either isize or i32, type


The last closing characters are often unecessary when no ambiguity is possible, so you could have typed this:



Why escaping ?

Look at this input: a|b rm.

It's for searching files whose name contains either a a or a b, then removing the selected one. The pattern here is a|b, it's a composite pattern.

A space or a colon starts the verb invocation. So if you needs one of them in your pattern, you need to escape it with \.

For example

The characters you use as operators and the parenthesis can be useful in patterns too, either because you want to search for them in fuzzy patterns or in file contents, or because you write non trivial regular expressions.

If you want to search for the | character (or a &, or (, or )), you can't just type it because it's used to combine elementary patterns. I needs escaping. So if you need to search for the | character in file names, you type \|.

An elementary pattern which starts with a / can only be ended with a /, a space, or a colon. That's why you don't have to escape other characters you want to include in your elementary pattern.

This lets you type this regular expression with no unecessary escaping:



Regular expression escaping rules still apply, so if you want to search with a regex for a file containing a (, you'll type /\(.

Escaping Rules

The escaping character is the antislash \.

Most often, you don't need to know more: when broot tells you it doesn't understand your pattern, it should click that your special character needs escaping and you prefix it with a \.

More precisely:

  1. After the first / of a pattern, only , :, / and \ need escaping.
  2. Otherwise, &, |, (, ), \ need escaping too.
  3. When there's no ambiguity, ending characters are often unecessary


broot interprets the left operand before the right one and doesn't interpret the second one if it's not necessary.

So if you want to search your whole disk for json files containing abcd, it will be faster to use /\.json$/&c/abcd rather than c/abcd/&/\.json$/ which would look at the file name only after having scanned the content.

The verb invocation

The verb invocation is




where arguments can be empty, depending on the verb's behaviour and invocation pattern.

Verbs are detailed in the Verbs & Commands chapter.






A search followed by a command without arguments:

re rm (which is equivalent to re:rm)

This is very natural: You use the search to select your element and you don't need to remove it before typing the command.


A search followed by a command taking an argument:

re mv ../


In this case with an escaped space:

c/two\ p

content search

content regex search

Here we search for "carg" both in file names and file contents, and we exclude "lock" files:


complex composite

note: the / at the end of c/carg/ is necessary to tell broot that the following parenthesis isn't part of the pattern.