I'm Denys Séguret, a freelance programmer and consultant with a wide full-stack experience, currently focusing on Rust.
Contact me at or on miaou to discuss your project.
Stack Overflow @dystroy on Miaou - enter the chat and ask for me Canop on GitHub DenysSeguret on TwitterVarious Sites
My Blog Prompter: a bash prompt maker My recipes (in French) How could one not love the colors of Venezia ?Open-Source
broot, a new way to navigate file trees SafeCloset, a cross-platform secret locker bacon, a background Rust code checker Miaou, a persistent multi-room chat server dysk, a betterdf
, for linux
Rhit, a nginx log analyzer
backdown, a file deduplicator
Lapin, a terminal game for kids and their parents
lazy-regex: lazy static regular expressions checked at compile time
codesort: sort code in your editor
SpaceBullet, a smart HTML5 game
Mazter, mazes in your terminal
Termimad, a Markdown based Rust library for rich text in terminal applications
hu.js, a micro-library for SVG manipulation
deser-hjson, a serde deserializer for Hjson
JSON.prune, a pruning JSON.stringify (JavaScript)
Squale, a tiny image scaler
...All my repositories on GitHub