The current version of broot works on linux, mac and windows (win 10+).


Windows users: broot may need additional rights at first use in order to write its configuration file. Some users on Windows also report problems with the colon. Remember that a space can be used instead of a colon. You should also use a modern terminal, for example the new Microsoft one

From precompiled binaries

Binaries are made available at every release in download.

The archives there contain all precompiled versions, as well as the licenses and other files. They're the preferred distribution way.

Direct links:

Target Details Download
Linux clipboard support x86_64-linux
Android clipboard support aarch64-linux-android
Linux/glibc no clipboard support, compatible with older GLIBC x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Linux/musl no clipboard support x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
Raspberry no clipboard support armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
Windows 10+ clipboard support x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
Shell completion completion/

You may download previous releases on GitHub releases.

When you download executable files, you'll have to ensure the shell can find them. An easy solution on linux is for example to put them in /usr/local/bin. You may also have to set them executable using chmod +x broot.


You'll need to have the Rust development environment installed and up to date.

Once it's installed, use cargo to install broot:

cargo install --locked broot

From source

You'll need to have the Rust development environment installed.

Fetch the Canop/broot repository, move to the broot directory, then run

cargo install --locked --path .

If you want a custom compilation, have a look at the optional features documentation.


If there's a compilation error, it most often means either that you're missing some compilation dependency (on ubuntu/debian try sudo apt install build-essential) or that you have an old version of the compiler, and you should update it (for example with rustup update).

Third party repositories

Those packages are maintained by third parties and may be less up to date.


brew install broot


sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install broot

Alpine Linux

apk add broot

note: broot package is available in Alpine 3.13 and newer

APT / Deb

Ubuntu and Debian users may use this apt repository:


pkgin install broot

Gentoo Linux

emerge broot


To reinstall, just change the executable.

It's always been compatible with the previous configuration files but if your previous installation is old (especially if it's pre 1.14), you might want to get the new configuration files which have more relevant sections.

The simplest solution is to remove your old configuration directory (or rename if you want to keep things) so that broot recreates it.

After installation

Now you should install the br shell function.