Rhit is developed by Denys Séguret, also known as Canop or dystroy.


Rhit is free for all uses.

If it helps you make money, consider helping me find time to add features and to develop new free open-source software.

Discuss Rhit in a chat room

The best place to chat about rhit, to talk about features or bugs, is the Miaou chat.


We use GitHub's issue manager.

Before posting a new issue, check your problem hasn't already been raised and in case of doubt please come first discuss it on the chat.


When something looks like a bug, we need both to know the exact configuration (OS, terminal program, mainly) and to have the log. The log can be obtained this way:

  1. execute rhit with RHIT_LOG=debug rhit
  2. go to the chat (or the GitHub issue if you already made one) and paste the content of the rhit.log file