Rhit works on linux and mac.

Current version: download


From precompiled binaries

Binaries are made available at every release in download. They are also available on GitHub releases.

The archives contain precompiled binaries, as well as the licenses and other files.

You may also directly download the executable files below, depending on your system:

Target Download
x86-64 Linux gnu x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
x86-64 Linux musl x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
ARM32 Linux gnu armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
ARM32 Linux musl armv7-unknown-linux-musleabi
ARM64 Linux gnu aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
ARM64 Linux musl aarch64-unknown-linux-musl
Windows 10+ (experimental) x86_64-pc-windows-gnu

On linux, if you have an old system, the "musl" versions may work when the "gnu" ones ask for a version of glibc that you don't have.

When you download executable files, you'll have to ensure the shell can find them. An easy solution on linux is for example to put them in /usr/local/bin. You may also have to set them executable using chmod +x rhit.

As I can't compile myself for all possible systems, you'll need to compile rhit yourself or use a third-party repository (see below) if your system isn't in the list above.

From crates.io

You'll need to have the Rust development environment installed and up to date.

Once it's installed, use cargo to install rhit:

cargo install rhit

From source

You'll need to have the Rust development environment installed.

Fetch the Canop/rhit repository, move to the rhit directory, then run

cargo install --path .

Third party repositories

Those packages are maintained by third parties and may be less up to date.

Packaging status


brew install rhit

APT / Deb

Ubuntu and Debian users may use this apt repository: https://packages.azlux.fr/

Arch Linux

Arch Linux users may use pacman to install rhit from the community repository:

pacman -S rhit