Cancelable background tasks in Rust

8 minute read Published: 2025-01-26

When a task isn't instant, you usually don't want to run it on the UI thread.

I present here a simple enough framework to run tasks in background.

Biome + Bacon

4 minute read Published: 2025-01-22

Biome is a fast linter.

Bacon is a background code checker.

They're the perfect team to check, fix, and improve your JavaScript / TypeScript / CSS.

Bacon for everything - a roadmap

6 minute read Published: 2024-11-08

You want to use bacon on non rust projects? So do I.

String oriented serialization in Rust with Serde

6 minute read Published: 2024-10-13

Serde's derive is fantastic but if you want humans to read and write files, you can't just depend on the standard derive for everything.

Having your values, even the composite ones, be written as simple strings is often more convenient.

Why broot doesn't enter zip archives

7 minute read Published: 2024-07-08

Broot lets you navigate your filesystem, gives you an overview of any directory, previews file content. It does it by trimming folders in a balanced way, clearly outlining the structure of the tree.

Entering zip archives and navigating them the same way looks like a natural extension, doesn't it ?

Why sort code? How to do it?

11 minute read Published: 2024-04-02

Your code is full of lists. And some of them should be sorted.

From Terminator To Wezterm

7 minute read Published: 2023-11-17

This post doesn't compare Terminator and Wezterm. This is the help I would have loved to find when starting to try Wezterm coming from Terminator.

A Kind Introduction

7 minute read Published: 2023-11-15

How to leverage the Rust compiler to prevent identifier misuse ?

How to go from ec2ba151-7acf-43a9-bb98-6f5331992f42 in your database to "Cust_ec2ba151-7acf-43a9-bb98-6f5331992f42" in your REST/JSON API ?

How to do it at zero runtime cost, with no boilerplate, with a derive macro ?

Thinking in trees and lines, formatting Rust

5 minute read Published: 2023-09-29

I see my code projects in trees and lines, and it affects how I want it to be formatted.

How to store secrets

11 minute read Published: 2023-06-06

My requirements and solution for a safe storage of personal secrets.