Configuration Files

All configuration files are optional but you'll probably need specific jobs for your targets, examples, etc.

All accept the same properties (preferences, keybindings, jobs, etc.).

Bacon loads in order:

  • its default internal configuration (which includes the default bacon.toml)
  • the global prefs.toml (global preferences)
  • the file whose path is in environment variable BACON_PREFS
  • the workspace.metadata.bacon entry in the workspace's Cargo.toml
  • the workspace level bacon.toml file (project settings)
  • the bacon.toml file in workspace-root/.config/
  • the package.metadata.bacon entry in the package's Cargo.toml
  • the bacon.toml file in package-root/
  • the bacon.toml file in package-root/.config/
  • the file whose path is in environment variable BACON_CONFIG
  • the content of the --config-toml argument

Each configuration file overrides the properties of previously loaded ones.

But you don't need so many files. It's usually enough to have a global prefs.toml file and a project specific bacon.toml.

When you modified those files and bacon evolved since, you may want to have a look at the current default ones:

Bacon watches those files and reload them when necessary, so you don't have to relaunch it if you add a key-binding, or a job, or an allowed lint in your clippy job.

Global Preferences

bacon --prefs creates the preferences file if it doesn't exist and returns its path (which is system dependent).

You may run $EDITOR "$(bacon --prefs)" to edit it directly.

The default configuration file contains already possible entries that you may uncomment and modify.

Project Settings

bacon --init creates the bacon.toml file if it doesn't exist.

This file usually contains project specific jobs and shortcuts and should be saved and shared using your version control system.

It's a good idea to put here the triggers for specific jobs.

The default bacon.toml is used when you don't create a file.


A job is a command which is ran by bacon in background, and whose result is analyzed and displayed on end.

There's always an active job in bacon, be it the default one or one you selected at launch or using a bound key.

A job declaration in a TOML file looks like this:

command = [
    "cargo", "clippy",
    "-A", "clippy::derive_partial_eq_without_eq",
    "-A", "clippy::len_without_is_empty",
    "-A", "clippy::map_entry",
need_stdout = false

Job Properties

The job is defined by the following fields:

field meaning default
allow_failures if true, the action is considered a success even when there are test failures false
allow_warnings if true, the action is considered a success even when there are warnings false
analyzer command output parser, see below "standard"
apply_gitignore if true the job isn't triggered when the modified file is excluded by gitignore rules true
background compute in background and display only on end true
command the tokens making the command to execute (first one is the executable)
default_watch whether to watch default files (src, tests, examples,, and benches). When it's set to false, only the files in your watch parameter are watched true
env a map of environment vars, for example env.LOG_LEVEL="die"
kill a command replacing the default job interruption (platform dependant, SIGKILL on unix). For example kill = ["kill", "-s", "INT"]
ignore list of glob patterns for files to ignore
ignored_lines regular expressions for lines to ignore
extraneous_args if false, the action is run "as is" from bacon.toml, eg: no --all-features or --features inclusion true
need_stdout whether we need to capture stdout too (stderr is always captured) false
on_change_strategy wait_then_restart or kill_then_restart
on_success the action to run when there's no error, warning or test failures
watch a list of files and directories that will be watched if the job is run on a package. Usual source directories are implicitly included unless default_watch is set to false

All these properties can also be defined before jobs and will apply to all of them unless overriden.

Beware of job references in on_success: you must avoid loops with 2 jobs calling themselves mutually, which would make bacon run all the time.


command = ["cargo", "run", "--example", "simple"]
need_stdout = true

Note: Some tools detect that their output is piped and don't add style information unless you add a parameter which usually looks like --color always. This isn't normally necessary for cargo because bacon, by default, sets the CARGO_TERM_COLOR environment variable.


The output of the standard cargo tools is understood by bacon's standard analyzer.

For other tools, a specific analyzer may be configured with, eg, analyzer = "nextest".

For the list of analyzers and configuration examples, see Analyzers.

Default Job

The default job is the one which is launched when you don't specify one in argument to the bacon command (ie bacon test). It's also the one you can run with the job:default action.

You can set the default job by setting the default_job key in your bacon.toml file.

Key Bindings

This section lets you change the key combinations to use to trigger actions.

For example:

h = "job:clippy"
shift-F9 = "toggle-backtrace(1)"
ctrl-r = "toggle-raw-output"

Note that you may have keybindings for jobs which aren't defined in your project, this isn't an error, and it's convenient to help keep define your personal keybindings in one place.

Another example, if you want vim-like shortcuts:

esc = "back"
g = "scroll-to-top"
shift-g = "scroll-to-bottom"
k = "scroll-lines(-1)"
j = "scroll-lines(1)"
ctrl-u = "scroll-page(-1)"
ctrl-d = "scroll-page(1)"

Your operating system and console intercept many key combinations. If you want to know which one are available, and the key syntax to use, you may find print_key useful.


Actions are launched

  • on key presses, depending on key-binding
  • when triggered by a job ending success

Actions are parsed from strings, for example quit (long form: internal:quit) is the action of quitting bacon and can be bound to a key.

An action is either an internal, based on a hardcoded behavior of bacon, a job reference, or an export.

An export action is defined as export: followed by the export name.


internal default binding meaning
back Esc get back to the previous page or job, or cancel search
copy-unstyled-output write the currently displayed job output to the clipboard
focus-search / focus the search input
help h or ? open the help page
next-match tab go to next search match
no-op do nothing (may be used to disable a previously set binding)
pause disable automatic job execution on change
play-sound play a sound, eg play-sound(volume=100%)
previous-match backtab go to previous search match
quit q or ctrlq or ctrlc quit
refresh F5 clear output then run current job again
reload-config reload all configuration files
rerun run current job again
scope-to-failures f restrict job to test failure(s)
scroll-lines(-1) move one line up
scroll-lines(1) move one line down
scroll-pages(-1) PageUp move one page up
scroll-pages(1) PageDown move one page down
scroll-to-bottom End scroll to bottom
scroll-to-top Home scroll to top
toggle pause p toggle pause
toggle-backtrace(level) b enable rust backtrace, level is either 1 or full
toggle-raw-output display the untransformed command output
toggle-summary s display results as abstracts
toggle-wrap w toggle line wrapping
unpause enable automatic job execution on change
validate enter unfocus the input, keeping the search

The scroll-lines and scroll-pages internals are parameterized. You can for example define a shortcut to move down half a page:

ctrl-d = "scroll-pages(.5)"

Job References

Job references are useful as actions, which can be bound to key combinations.

They're either role based or name based.

To refer to the job called test, you use a name based reference: job:test.

To refer to a job based on a cargo alias, add alias:, for example job:alias:r.

Role based job references are the following ones:

job reference meaning
job:default the job defined as default in the bacon.toml file
job:initial the job specified as argument, or the default one if there was none explicit
job:previous the job which ran before, if any (or we would quit). The back internal has usually the same effect


If necessary, exports can be defined to write files either on end of task or on key presses.

Following are 3 typical configurations.

Locations export

This is the best way to ensure you can list warnings/errors/failures and navigate between them in your IDE, for example with a plugin such as nvim-bacon.

With the following configuration, locations are exported on each job execution.

auto = true
path = ".bacon-locations"
line_format = "{kind} {path}:{line}:{column} {message}"

This export works for any tool and any job.

Cargo Spans export

When using the cargo_json analyzer, more detailed information is available than what is printed on screen and this analyzer can provide that data with a configuration such as this one:

command = [ "cargo", "clippy", "--message-format", "json-diagnostic-rendered-ansi" ]
analyzer = "cargo_json"
need_stdout = true

auto = true
exporter = "analyzer"
line_format = "{diagnostic.level}:{span.file_name}:{span.line_start}:{span.line_end}:{diagnostic.message}"

The exported data come from the Diagnostic and DiagnosticSpan structures.

Report export

This is an example of exporting a report on a key press, when required:

auto = false

ctrl-e = "export:json-report"

Other config properties

Have a look, at least once, at the default configuration files. They contain many other properties, commented out, that you may find useful.

summary, wrap, reverse

You can change the summary, wrapping, and reverse mode at launch (see bacon --help), in the application using keys, and you may set the initial values in this preferences file:

# Uncomment and change the value (true/false) to
# specify whether bacon should start in summary mode
# summary = true

# Uncomment and change the value (true/false) to
# specify whether bacon should start with lines wrapped
# wrap = true

# In "reverse" mode, the focus is at the bottom, item
# order is reversed, and the status bar is on top
# reverse = true


You may have audio notifications on job success or failures.

This requires sound to be enabled, either at root level or in a specific job:

enabled = true
base_volume = "100%" # global volume multiplier

Sound being enabled, you can add play-sound callbacks to jobs, eg

on_success = "play-sound(name=90s-game-ui-6,volume=50)"
on_failure = "play-sound(name=beep-warning,volume=100)"

Sound name can be omitted. Possible values are 2, 90s-game-ui-6, beep-6, beep-beep, beep-warning, bell-chord, car-horn, convenience-store-ring, cow-bells, pickup, positive-beeps, short-beep-tone, slash, store-scanner, success.