broot is convenient to find a directory then cd to it, which is done using altenter or :cd.

But broot needs a companion function in the shell in order to be able to change directory.

Automatic shell function installation

This is normally the easiest solution and it's safe.

When you start broot, it checks whether the br shell function seems to have been installed (or to have been refused). If needed, and if the used shell seems compatible, then broot asks the permission to register this shell function.

When it's done, you can do br to launch broot, and typing altenter will cd for you.

Supported shells today are bash, zsh, fish, nushell, and powershell.


Windows users: broot may need additional rights at first use in order to write its configuration file. You may also have to allow script execution (set-executionpolicy unrestricted)
Nushell users: use either alias or def --env when aliasing the br shell function. def alone won't enable the shell function to perform cd.

Retry the automatic installation

If you have messed with the configuration files, you might want to have the shell function reinstalled.

In order to do this, either remove all broot config files, or launch broot --install.

You can also use the --install argument when you first refused and then decided you want it installed.

Manual shell function installation

If you prefer to manage the function sourcing yourself, or to automate the installation your way, or if you use an unsupported configuration, you still can get some help of broot:

broot --print-shell-function bash (you can replace bash with zsh, fish, or nushell) outputs a recommended shell function.

broot --set-install-state installed tells broot the br function is installed (other possible values are undefined and refused).

br alias for Xonsh shell

The shortcut for xonsh shell can be installed with using xontrib-broot